Statement of Commitment: Well-Being
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is committed to the well-being of our residents, fellows and faculty. To ensure resident, fellow and faculty well-being, the institution is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment with a culture of respect and accountability for physician well-being. Our clinical learning and environment enables residents, fellows and faculty to deliver the safest and best possible care to patients. To accomplish this, we are committed to providing:
- Protected time with patients, minimal non-physician obligations, adequate administrative support, promotion of progressive autonomy and flexibility, and enhanced professional relationships.
Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Clinical Work and Education/Duty Hours Policy and Procedure
Supervision Policy
- Information and systems that monitor and enhance trainee and faculty safety, including physical safety (including, but not limited to monitoring workplace injuries, physical or emotional violence, vehicle collisions, and emotional well-being after adverse events), sleep/rest facilities that are safe, quiet, clean, and private with proximity appropriate for safe patient care, and safe transportation options when trainees are too fatigued to safely return home on their own.
- Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Code of Conduct
Security, Parking and Transportation (including Escort Service)
Workplace Violence (
Workplace Injury Reporting
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure
Clinical Work and Education/Duty Hours Policy and Procedure
JHU SOM Learner Mistreatment, Harassment, and Discrimination – Responsibilities and Expectations of Learners
- Time away from work to engage with family and friends, as well as to attend to personal needs and to one’s own health, including adequate rest, healthy diet, and regular exercise.
- Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Vacation Policy
Health Care and Sick Leave Policy
New Child Accommodations Policy
Lactation Policy
Cooley Center Memberships (residents)
- Opportunity to access medical and dental care, including mental health care, at times that are appropriate to their individual circumstances, and including time away from the program as needed to access care, including appointments scheduled during their working hours.
- Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Health Care and Sick Leave Policy
Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program (JHEAP)
- Mechanisms for the identification of burnout, depression, and substance abuse.
- Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Policy on Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Drug-free Environment
Physician Impairment
Wellness at Johns Hopkins for Residents and Clinical Fellows | The Office of Graduate Medical Education (
- Immediate access to mental health professionals.
- Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Health Care and Sick Leave Policy
Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program (JHEAP)
Mental Health Services
- Accommodations for trainees with disabilities, consistent with the Sponsoring Institution’s policy
- Policies and Resources supporting this commitment:
Equal Opportunity Policy
Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures
Disability Services Guidelines
University Statement on Supporting Preferred Names